Pan Gulf Technologies Engineering Services
Get to know more about the project below
Reinforcement detailing & bar bending schedule of all RC member.
300 Drawings
2D shop drawings, Bar Bending Schedule, Steel Quantity Tracker, Temporary works drawings
• Understanding technique of Top down construction.
The top/down method has been used for deep excavation projects where tieback installation was not feasible and soil movements
had to be minimized. Construction sequencing plays vital role as we need to maintain connection between elements according to
construction sequencing. Regular discussion with client on construction activities & future lined up work helps a lot.
• Understanding importance of propping
Due to excavation, soil movement increases & hence properly designed props are required to resist lateral forces. So, that
excavation continue without any disruption. In other word we can say, props required to support existing structure & new structure
on ground level such as capping beams.
• Temporary work- Corbels are required so that propping can connect with the same. But corbel is temporary work therefore
structural engineer is not doing the designing for that. It’s in scope of site. Therefore, in case of clashing of corbel reinforcement
with capping beam, we had worked out suitable combination & proposed conservative option in the form of RFI to client.
• Tube tunnels under south side of Crescent- This is actual challenge for site team due to close proximity of the tunnels also creates
noise and vibration issues, which will be mitigated using an acoustic anti-vibration isolation system. But somewhere affected to
detailing due to frequent change in requirement as per site condition. We had maintained logs to keep track of changes.
• Prefab requirement of client-
As a fabricator & placer, client’s inclination was towards prefab working. We had studied requirement of all prefab elements
thoroughly (by doing site visit & one to one discussion with client) & trained team for the same.
• Less working hours for site activities & Less space for material stalking-
As the location of site is very prime, situated between milestones of London such as Lords stadium, Buckingham palace, tower bridge,
madam Tussaud Wax museum, oxford street. Lots of restriction on construction activities such as daytime working & less noise.
Day to day & effective coordination as per activities with client. As well as proper planning of our activities by considering client’s
planning is the key solution to work on such condition.
• Top Down construction- Top down construction is the reverse method of bottom-up conventional construction, (Image-01 & 02)
• Huge propping- (Image-01,02 & 05)
• Constructing temporary work structure like corbel along with capping beam to engage propping. (Image-01 & 05)
• Clashing between temporary structure (Corbel) reinforcement & heavy steel capping beam.
• Drilling in foundation of existing structure (secant piles) which has already been occupied by people.(Image-06)
• Two tube tunnels run under the south-east side of the crescent that place limitations on the extent of new foundation and
construction activity. (Image-03)
• Prefab requirements of client
• Less working hours for site activities.
• Less space for material stalking
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