Pan Gulf Technologies Engineering Services
Get to know more about the project below
This is 5-ton staircase requiring 150 manhours. We modelled & detailed the curve stairs at the lobby in the Moye White project in SDS/2 Department.
Around 5 Tons
3D Model in SDS2, Erection & Shop Drawings, BOM JISS / NC Files / DXF files, Drawings for the location and elevations
• The most challenging thing in this project was modelling the exact Client requirements in SDS/2
• The spiral staircase was required on the 11th floor, and the client had specified that the maximum length for any piece needed
to be 8-0, and the stair would be field assembled.
• The plate on the side of the stringer was to be 12" piece left out so that the splice can be field welded after the stringer-to-stringer
field weld is completed, and then the plate would be added to cover the splice.
• Spiral offset
• Rolling operations
• Mid-ordinate
• Rolling radius of stringer
• And after applying field weld splice stringer to stringer connection, we provided the loose plate profile on both side of the
stringer with the same parameter as the stringer profile.
• The most critical thing is shaping the plate according to the Architect’s design. We needed to bend the plate to match the
shape of the flare.
• We needed to make sure that the flare smoothly connected with the main stringer above and at the point where it meets
the finish floor.
• We bent the plate to match the shape of the flare. This made sure that the flare smoothly connects with the main stringer
above and at the point where it met the finish floor
• We achieved the box flare with add some plate profile ,with rolling radius and cut preparation at bottom of stringer where it
met the finish floor.
At stair stringer connection to embed plate, there were some connection requirements which included with the HSS 8X4X1/2
and side 3/8 Gusset plate on both sides of the HSS, as shown in the snap at the stair stringer to embed connection.
We simplified this connection and created the stair stringer using these requirements.
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